Managed service improves delivery of email outreach campaigns
To reduce the number of emails that are marked as SPAM, sent to junk folders, or blocked by global email service providers, university services such as account claims, Admitware, and OGS, among many others, have been moved to a third-party email delivery service. In addition to better monitoring of email delivery status, the service provides statistics to identify outdated information and enable better audience targeting. This move has resulted in more successful delivery of important and timely emails to the inboxes of prospective students, current students, family members, and more.
Another successful semester of Transforming Teaching with Tablets
A total of 72 faculty participated in spring 2022 Teaching with Tablets (TTT) and were given tablets, training, and hand-on support to help them move from adoption to transformation within a semester. Throughout the semester, Academic Technologies team members held more than 60 individual faculty consultations and faculty participated in 525 Canvas TTT activities or assignments. 72% of instructors were favorable toward the use of iPads in the classroom and 95% of students identified a benefit from the program with 47% indicating the program was “significantly beneficial.” For fall 2022 semester, 24 additional faculty have been provided with a tablet as a part of the ongoing TTT program, with more than 160 faculty further provided an iPad as a part of the university’s implementation of new Global Learning Spaces.
Automated service alerts notify researchers about inefficient resource usage on the High Performance Computing cluster
The alert messages, which are autogenerated should High Performance Computing (HPC) usage cross a certain threshold, contain best practices for leveraging the resources of the ITS Research Computing team and provide instructions for scheduling consultations with the team. Recipients can reply to the notifications to automatically generate a support ticket, alerting the RC team who then follow up with researchers to help them improve their workflow and use cluster resources more efficiently. This service has also enabled the collection of important usage data that was previously unavailable. This data has proven useful in targeting outreach and providing documentation for the most commonly reported issues and cases.
Updated and expanded wired and wireless networks deployed on the Oakland campus
To prepare for the arrival of students at Mills College at Northeastern this fall, updated networks were installed in nine buildings on the Oakland campus. In a short 12 weeks, 600 new wireless access points were added, including wired and wireless networking to two residence halls that previously had no internet connectivity. The improved wireless access provides critical enhancements to primary teaching spaces, while new wired and wireless connectivity in residence halls enables students to study and access entertainment and other digital resources from the comfort of their residential rooms.
New NUAdmit portal launched to support the undergraduate and graduate admissions process
The portal enables prospective students to check their application status, manage to-do items, and be notified about decisions regarding their applications. In addition, the new portal gives Northeastern staff near real-time data and analytics that are more accurate and timelier, helping them to manage the applicant pipeline and make more-informed decisions regarding incoming classes. A major benefit of the new NUAdmit is that it is built on an industry leading admission platform, Slate, which encompasses more than 1,000 colleges and universities that collaborate on system improvements. These enhancements result in a more resilient, performant, up-to-date, and secure technical environment.