Marcus P. Robinson, an accomplished IT leader, has been named associate vice president for engagement and experience in the Office of the Vice President and CIO for Northeastern University. Reporting to the Vice President for Information Technology and CIO Cole W. Camplese, Robinson starts April 1, 2019.
At Northeastern, Robinson will oversee a portfolio of functions and projects across digital strategy and governance, IT communications, and customer service, all with the goal of providing world class support to the University community. In partnership with the Office of the Vice President for University Marketing, he will help implement models and services to optimize and support Northeastern’s digital presence, including in the areas of security, accessibility, and brand. In support of customer engagement, Robinson will lead Northeastern’s central IT service organization, exploring innovative approaches to support, including through AI-powered environments and advanced analytics to predict and proactively meet customer challenges, needs, and aspiration.

“I’m eager to explore how Northeastern IT can further enable and extend the important work of faculty, students, and staff in the pursuit of Northeastern 2025.”
Marcus P. Robinson
Camplese said, “I am thrilled to have Marcus join us at Northeastern. His vision and passion for his work will align with our efforts to achieve the goals set forth in Northeastern 2025.”
Robinson has more than 20 years of experience in private and public higher education leading efforts and teams in IT, digital strategy and governance, communication, customer engagement and service, support for teaching and learning, IT administration, and more.
Since 2016, Robinson has served as executive director for engagement, alignment, and strategy at the University of Chicago, where he helped foster a greater focus on customer service and engagement across central IT; improved the ways in which IT engaged and communicated with the campus community; expanded leadership development opportunities for IT staff; established a University-wide IT Leadership Council; and helped to advance several high-profile University risk projects, including in the area of web strategy and governance. Prior to the University of Chicago, he spent seven years at The Pennsylvania State University championing and supporting a broad portfolio of community building, governance, web strategy, customer engagement, organizational change, staff development, and communication efforts.
“I’m excited to join the Northeastern community and to have the opportunity to bring together several important areas of focus within IT and the University,” said Robinson, “I’m eager to explore how Northeastern IT can further enable and extend the important work of faculty, students, and staff in the pursuit of Northeastern 2025.”